Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Dark Part of The Path

Tuesday nights are my accountability group night. I am fortunate in the fact that my senior pastor's wife is a member of our group and always shares great in-sight into God's Word and shares what is going on in her own life. Tonight she was sharing a few verses that have stuck out to her over this last week and she mentioned Genesis 39:21 that says, "But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him His faithful love." She told us that this verse made her realize that God is always with us during our darkest times.
At first I didn't think much of it, but as I was sitting there it began to sink in, and during my car ride home it began to grab a hold of me.
Let me give you some background.
This last week, Jeff and I had our entire house re-carpeted, which meant that we had to move EVERYTHING out of the house so that the carpet could be laid down properly. This meant that we had to take apart our bed and sleep on our Aero-Bed. We had to clear everything out of our kids rooms, our bathrooms and everything in between. Our house was in shambles, our normal routines were messed up and none of were getting any sleep.
Once everything was put back into place and we were all able to get some rest God began to reveal to me how much I rely on "things" for my happiness. I was really convicted because I saw the kind of person I became when just a few minor conveniences were taken away for just a short amount of time.
Unfortunately, God was not done with me.
This past week Jeff went to Texas to explore the possibility of him finding a job there. I guess, truth be told, I was hoping for a miracle and for Him to open the doors and Jeff to come home with a brand new job and everything be worked out.....the end.
Well, my husband did not come home with a job and I immediately went into panic mode. I really tried not to, but my human nature took over and I gave in. I have gone through the entire range of emotions that we women possess. Fear. Anger. Guilt.
But tonight, God held my hand and helped me to remember that He is still here.
I knew this time of "waiting" was going to come. I knew it. I just didn't think it was going to be this hard.
God had an amazing life planned out for Joseph. A life of dining with royalty and amazing responsibility, but it wasn't all fun and games. Joseph had to endure the "dark part of the path". A place were things don't go the way you planned them to. A place where God may be silent for a season. A place were it is dark and unfamiliar and there seems to be no one around.
Maybe things in your life are not going exactly as you hoped they would. Maybe you are in your dark part of the path as well. We all need to take comfort in the fact that God is still here with us. I know this is a very cliche saying, but " He is more interested in our character than our comfort". God had to mold Joseph in the rough times so that he (Joseph) could come through for Him in the great moments. I mean, who else could have had the strength to forgive his dead-beat brothers than a man who had to forgive the women who put him in jail for something he didn't do. I have always heard it said, "You are in the light who you are in the shadows".
During this time in my life I am learning that my comforts are not what should give me emotional stability. My circumstances should not determine my happiness. God is here in the dark places, ready to change me into the person He needs me to be for the next fifty years.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A little break.....

When Jeff and I were searching for our first home we always heard, "Buying a home is a true test of your marriage". Well...listen up, because I am here to set the records straight. Buying a home won't kill your marriage, but selling one will.
I never, in all of my life, thought it would be this hard for two people to put a house on the market. And really, I guess it hasn't been THAT hard, but it sure has taken a tole on us. I have literally been exhausted every day this week and there is still soooooo much left to be done.
So, with all of that being said, I think I'm going to join my husband and take a blogging break. Just until next month. We have SOOOO much going on this month and I need to be focused. I also need to be in prayer and in God's Word. I need Him to speak to me so that I can share with y'all.
I hope you can understand, and I'll see you on the other side!
Love you!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Please Pray

I do not know this man or this church, and that really doesb't matter. If you are reader of my blog, then I am asking you to please pray for this family. I can not imagine what they are going through right now.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This is how I feel like my life looks right now.
Sorry for the laps in posts this week, but life is moving pretty fast right now and I am doing good to just stay a float.
Nothing bad or sad, just fast paced.
I have been wanting to share with all of you, and now I feel the freedom to do so.
Jeff and I have been through a journey this last year and a half and it is all coming to a head recently. Here is the short version.
Jeff and I have been praying and seeking God for answers. God has been so good and has given extremely clear direction and we KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that He has spoken. We were both feeling un-settled with life and couldn't put our fingers on it. We are at a great church, filled with great and loving people who support us and challenge us on a regular basis. Our marriage was great, we loved our kids and for the most part were happy.
Jeff and I both have a passion for God’s church, specifically the leaders of His church. We want to see churches grow and prosper and become everything God had planned for them to be. So, through much prayer and exploration, Jeff is looking into a career of church consulting. Looking is a loose term because basically God is opening doors like crazy. I looked at Jeff the other night, and with utter amazement at what God is doing, asked him “Could this really be happening?”
I would love to share every little detail with you all, but it would just take too long. So instead, I’m going to ask for your prayers.
· In the next couple of weeks Jeff is traveling to Texas. These meetings could help us see if moving back to Texas is going to be a real possibility or not. Please pray that God leads in a MIGHTY way and that clear direction is given.
· At the end of April, Jeff is going to a week long training session. Please pray that he gets everything he needs.
· Please pray that our house sells BEFORE we move. This is what is keeping me up at night. We are getting new carpet and are making lots of touch ups. Our house is hopefully going to be on the market in the next couple of weeks.
All of these changes are taking a toll on me emotionally as well (the main reason I have not been blogging). We are giving up our dog Buddy. He has been my “furry” child for the last 11 years. I have taken both of my children off of the list for school next year at their pre-school. Basically, I’m cutting all of the ties and am having a hard time. I’m soooooo grateful to God for what He is doing and I know this is exactly what Jeff and I are supposed to be doing, but it is still hard.
Thank you all for your patience. Life will return to normal soon, and so will my posts!